Tuesday 15 May 2012

E minor?! Are you mad??

In Saturday's rehearsal we had the pleasure of working with amazing musicians Murdo Turner (aka big bruv) and Tim du Feu. Tim of the fire!! They've been teaching us Gaelic working songs....milking songs, waulking songs, churning songs....loads of lovely music. See pics below, of the cast learning some Puirt a beul - which is Gaelic for 'mouth music' - great for dancing to!! Also, see us rehearsing a scene....

Below: Tim du Feu on the fiddle....playwright makes good music stand

Can't wait to get dancin'!

"We thought the war was over....but it seems the enemy is still at large..." Mr. Rathbone (Tim Barrow) is no match for these Hebridean women.....



Building in progress

Sunday 13 May 2012

Gaelic Lessons with Mr. Turner!

Check out Allan Turner schooling us in the Gaelic!

Below: Teaching Angela Milton, aka Effie Nicholson....

Teaching Simon Eilbeck...."You're getting it fine! Keep it up Uistean!"

Allan Turner's jokes are famous

An impossibly beautiful and expressive language....tricky to get your mouth around!

Friday 11 May 2012

Building 'The Wall'!!

Yesterday was truly an overwhelmingly exciting day for FirstBicycle....Angie and I were squealing with excitement all over town! At one end of our rehearsal space, Carpenter and Set Designer began building the set for 'The Idiot at the Wall', which will open in 3 weeks at The Pleasance!! http://eusalive.co.uk/whats-on/2012/06/ - while at the other end, the cast rehearsed an ensemble scene and soaked up the wisdom of director Emily Reutlinger....I think we were all giddy on the great energy in the whole space. We're making things. This is theatre!! What a day....thank you Universe...love from FirstBicycle xxxx

Here's some pics of Set Designer Eve Murray and Carpenter Jez Jackson (possibly the coolest name I've heard in a while....) get to work on 'the wall'....

Above: Simon Eilbeck gets acquainted with his wall!

Below: I know I shouldn't spy, but....

And rehearsing a man-to-man scene....actors Tim Barrow and Brian Thomson dive into a whole new scene I just wrote....brave, brave boys....

Below: Emily Reutlinger....the wise woman...'the writer has left the building'...

Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Idiot at the Wall - details announced!

First Bicycle in association with Falling Cutlery present Elspeth Turner’s debut play, The Idiot at the Wall.
“Cursing the cream is one thing. But the air in a man’s lungs….that comes and goes as it pleases.”

Set on a Hebridean island in the wake of World War One, this drama sees a traditional way of life struggle against the encroachment of the modern world, and challenges us to consider the power of prophecy over reason. Gaelic songs of the period enrich a score composed and arranged by Murdo Turner and Tim du Feu.

Celebrating her personal island heritage, and blending English with Gaelic, Turner’s play traverses myth and reality to present a haunting tale all but lost to the modern world. This production roots itself in traditional Hebridean storytelling, and offers an authentic new voice in Scottish theatre.

The Pleasance Theatre, 60 Pleasance, Edinburgh
31st May & 1st June; 7th, 8th, 9th June 2012 - 7.30 pm

For tickets visit www.eusalive.co.uk or call 0131 650 4673
Visit the event Facebook page

For more information on the production's development, follow our blog.
For more information on Elspeth Turner, visit www.elspethturner.com

Monday 7 May 2012

What happens at a ceilidh!

The latest from rehearsals...

"Sitting on ma wall..." Simon Eilbeck in character.

Outshout the wind... Brian Thomson takes to his feet!

Rehearsal pics - "I'm collecting fertilizer"

Rehearsal latest - Elspeth Turner and Lucy Goldie work with director Emily Reutlinger in rehearsals for The Idiot at the Wall. Never before have sisters been so close!